Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Post Alert

Hi everyone, I apologies for not posting anything in a while. I have been really busy with school and work. I know that has been my excuse all the time but I truly do get wrap up in a lot of things. I have been really stressed, worried, you name it and that was probably how I have been feeling or dealing with. I haven't even posted anything on Google+. It seems like I have really disappeared from social media for a while but I'm back. I missed writing and showing my writing to you guys. I truly do apologies and I missed you guys. I posted a new writing piece it is titled The Tragic Truth. This writing piece is about society and what I have seen in my 18 short years of life. I invite you to go to the writing page and read The Tragic Truth along with the rest of my pieces. Feel free to follow me by email and Google+ to receive alerts when I post something new. Please leave comments about your thoughts, ask questions and I promise to answer them.  I hope all of you love reading my work as much as I love writing for all of you to read. Thanks, LOVE YOU GUYS.